How To View Locked Orkut Album in Orkut Style! HackZ

Author: nspanspa // Category: ,
This is highly recommended way of exploiting Orkut album hack to unlock (view) pics in the album!
Many users claimed that our old orkut album hack is not working. While we noticed few exception most of the users had trouble in copying and pasting lengthy javascript code. So here comes an automated way - a GreaseMonkey script!
Once you install above script successfully, next time you go to any Orkut locked orkut album, you will see pics from locked orkut album in orkut style alongwith error message which obviously lost its meaning! (See screenshot above)
#How to Install (Need to do this only once!)
Thats it! All locks will be broken automatically as they never existed! :D
Thanks Leandro Koiti Sato for creating this script script. Original script is here. We made a small change in our version to give maximum result to our users!
Thanks Bean for notifying about script! :-)