How Orkut New Album Features - Edit All Captions At Once & Reorder Photos!

Author: nspanspa // Category: ,
Just noticed two new features is continuously evolving orkuts albums… Edit all captions at once & Reorder Photos using drag-n-drop method!
Orkut Album New Featues

Edit All Photos

Clicking on it will open a page where you can edit captions of all album photos at once. Moreover you can delete multiple photos and choose album cover from the same page as shown below!
Orkut Album New Featues - Edit All Caption Feature

Reorder Photo

Without a doubt, we all like drag-n-drop method to move things on screen. Thanks toreorder photos feature you can do same with your orkut albums…
Orkut Album New Featues - Reorder Photos
You can see these features in action by going to your orkut albums:-)
Related: Orkuts New Bulk Photo Uploader Feature