How To Orkut Viewing Locked Scrapbook Hack is Back! HAckZ
Author: nspanspa // Category: Internet, OrkutYep! For those who missed old orkut hack to view locked scrapbook, a new hack to do the same is here!
#Steps to use this hack…
- Navigate to the profile with locked scrapbook or locked scrapbook itself.
- Now You will see Profile ID in address / navigation bar. Ex. In ,10226448830416481862 is Profile ID. Note down this Profile ID.
- Now replace Profiled in following URL with Profile ID you have noted above.
Finally paste new link in address bar. Hit ENTER and you will get scraps.
#Alternate way… (Javascript)
- Navigate to the profile with locked scrapbook or locked scrapbook itself.
- Paste Following javascript in address bar and hit ENTER.
javascript:var dw = document.location.href; dw = dw.split('=');document.location=''+dw[1];
#Alternate way… (For Firefox Only)
You can drag-n-drop following bookmarklet on your browsers bookmark toolbar. That will create a bookmark named “UNLOCK SCRAPBOOK”. Just click on it whenever you encounter any locked scrapbook and you will be redirected to unlocked scrapbook automatically…
Looks like a bad start for orkut in 2008. Thanks Gaurav!