3 ways to How To read locked scrapbook on orkut!

Author: nspanspa // Category: ,

Here comes another blow to the orkut’s privacy features! This time scrapbook privacy has been compromised and considering 3 ways to do this it may take some time for orkut to revert back! What worsen things for orkut is that this bug is in orkuts sandbox - part of Googles much hyped newly launched Open Social Platform!
Say you are orkutting and bumped into a screen saying “This content has been set to private by the profile owner” when you click on a persons scrapbook! Also see following screenshot…
Now we have 3 ways read locked scrapbook!
#1. Orkut Sandbox
This will work only if if you have access to sandbox.
Note www in URL before orkut.com and just change it to sandbox!
will become..
#2. JavaScript
A little javascript will redirect you to a page where unlocked scrapbook waiting for you. Just put following javascript code in browsers address/navigation bar and hit enter!
You can also use following bookmarklet if your browse supports it!
#3. GreaseMonkey Script
If you want to read many locked scrapbooks then it will be better to automate this for once!
This will require firefox and GreaseMonkey.
Credits: Rodrigo Lacerda, the dude who figured out this bug & Gaurav for informing me!