Make custom Run commands

Author: nspanspa // Category: ,

Here are the tricks to make your own run commands.

Method 1: Easy one

  1. Create shortcut of your application or folder
  2. Rename it to whatever you want.
  3. Now go to windows directory and copy that newly created shortcut here.
That’s it. To verify this go to run and enter the name of shortcut.

Method 2: Regedit Trick

  1. Go to Start->Run->type Regedit and hit Enter.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> App Paths
  3. Right click on App Paths and select New-> Key. Name it whatever you want your run command to be.
  4. Now click on newly created key. There will be Default string in right side pan.  Double click on it and enter the path to Application or folder.
  5. Right click on right side panel and create new string and rename it to Path.
  6. Double click on Path and enter the path to application or Folder.
  7. Close registry and Restart your Explorer.
Go to run and type the command you created.

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