How to run Mac OSX on Intel / AMD P.C.

Author: nspanspa // Category: , ,
How to run MAC OSX leopard on ordinary Intel/AMD machine ? Answer is here first of all you have to download a modified version of OSX called OSX86.Find it on your favorite Bittorrent site.For new user’s i recommend Kalyway you can also check your system compaitibilty here. This guide will show you how to make a Dual Boot 10.5.X OSX86 System with WINDOWS VISTA . Use this guide with your favourite distro { Kalyway | iAtkos | Leo4all | Jas | iDeneb | iPC }
1.      First of all you have to install Vista. It’s easy and I m sure that you are familiar with it.
2.     Now comes to  Partitioning before installing OSX you need to have a partition  of minimum 10 GB recommended 20 GB+ . The partition must be formatted as FAT-32 Primary Partition.
You can use Partition Magic or Gparted live cd or Windows Disk Management.
3.      Boot into Windows installation and open Command Prompt { Start < All Program < Accessories <Command prompt } With Administrative Privillage and run following commands.
4.      In command prompt type DISKPART and press enter . Here we are using DISKPART for making HFS compatible Partition.

DISKPART> list disk” This will show you a list of selectable disks. “
DISKPART> select disk n[where n = the disk number]
This will specify which disk to create a new partition on
DISKPART> create partition primary size=n id=af[where n = the size in MB of the partition, For 20 gb space n will be 20000 ]

[where af = hfs+ compatible]
Will proceed to create a bootable primary partition for the Mac
DISKPART> list partition” This command will show you the partitions on your selected disk “
DISKPART> select   partition n[where n = the newly created OSX partition]
This will specify the partition
DISKPART> active” This will make your OS X partition the first-boot active partition “
DISKPART> ExitExit from DiskPart………..
5.      In Windows Vista you must disable User Account Control [ UAC ].
6.      Put your DVD in rom and restart your computer with the DVD in Drive,now you should see Darwin load screen.
7.      As counting starts press F8 key and you will be able to have some more option’s.
8.      Now type -V and press enter now enterd in VERBOSE mode here you are able to see any error if your screen freezes for more than 15 minutes than note last three lines and google them to find out a solution for your problem. If every thing goes fine after 15-30 minutes installation screen appear’s hold your breath we are not quit yet here.
9.      On the top a menu bar appears click Utilities >> Disk Utility.
10.  Here select the destination drive where u want to install Mac OSX.
11.  Now click on ERASE on right hand side and under the format option select
” MAC OSX Journaled Extended ” and click Erase. Now the disk will be erased and mounted once this done you are very near to near to your destination.
12.  Now close the disk utility and click on the partition which you created at previous
13. Now the most important section Customize in this section you can customize the installation option choose wisely make a search at & with your hardware configuration & find successful installation combination.For most of the INTEL based systems Vanilla Kernel works very smoothly & for AMD system try Voodoo kernel.It is also recommended to remove all the extra unnecessary languages as they take up about 2 gigs.
14.  Now your disk will be checked for consistency than installaion begins. It will take 30-45 minute’s as your hardware.
15.  Once the installation finishes, reboot with the DVD in the drive. Press F8 at Darwin Boot Loader and type -s and press enter.
Execute the following commands :
fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0
flag 1
16. Now before the PC restarts remove the DVD. At this point you should be able to boot into Vista normally.
Now you have two option’s Boot with Darwin Bootloader or use VISTA bootloader.
For Darwin bootloader follow these instruction.
If you want to use darwin bootloader than skip the step 15.
Darwin has its own dual-boot menu which is easy to activate, just press F8 on your keyboard before the Darwin boot loader prompt and Apple boot logo.The dual-boot menu might appear by itself depending on whether or not the install disc automatically sets the time-out period for you.
If you want to create a time-out that will allow you to select which OS to boot from without pressing F8, follow these instructions:
Firstly, load up Terminal (Applications/Utilities/) from within OS X, then type:
sudo nano /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
edit the Darwin time-out flag accordingly:
Press CTRL+O and then Enter to save the file, after which you can safely close the session by pressing CTRL+X.
- x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x  - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
For VISTA bootloader use this guide .
Put the Vista Installation Disc into your DVD drive and restart to boot from it. Click Repair System, press next and then select Command Prompt Type DISKPART and press Enter.

DISKPART> list disk” This will show you a list of selectable disks. “
DISKPART> select disk n[where n = the disk number]
Select the disk which Windows Vista is installed to
DISKPART> list partitionThis will show you the partitions on your selected disk
DISKPART> select partition n[where n = the Windows Vista partition]
This will specify the partition
DISKPART> activeWill make your Windows Vista partition the first-boot activepartition
DISKPART> ExitExit from DiskPart………..
Reboot into Windows Vista.
Next, you can either follow the command line BCDEDIT instructions below, or use EasyBCD.
Copy CHAIN0 from your Mac OS X partition or Installation Disc to the root of your Vista partition C:\.
- x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x  - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
For Vista Bootloader you can also use BCD-EDIT.
1) Boot into Vista. Copy the chain0 file from the Leopard DVD to C:
2) Open the “Command prompt” with “Elevated Admin” privileges from the Start Menu.
3) Type the following into the prompt
bcdedit /copy {current} /d “Mac OS X”
bcdedit /enum active
bcdedit /set {GUID} PATH \chain0
4) In the first command type {current} as it is, literally..nothing else..just {current} with the brackets. In the 3rd command however, replace the {GUID} with the alphanumeric GUID you see in the enumerated list under MAC OS X. You can see this list on your terminal as soon as you type the 2nd command above.
5) Close the Command Prompt and Restart Vista.
6) You Should now be looking at a screen with two options to boot into Mac OSX or Vista.
Select Mac OSX to see if you can boot into it. You should see the familiar Darwin boot Loading screen with the timer going down. If you dont do anything, then it counts to zero and again shows the menu screen with Vista and MAC OSX options. Dont panic!
Again select MAC OS X, and now as the timer counts down, Press F8. You would see a list of partitions on your disk with their names. Select the partition with MAC OSX installed by using up/down arrows and press ENTER.
- x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x  - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x