Recently Apple pulled both GV Mobile and VoiceCentral from App Store, two native applications that add Google Voice support to the iPhone. Officials justified that removing GV Mobile from the App Store due to it duplicating features that the iPhone comes with (Dialer, SMS, etc) to Sean Kovacs author of GV Mobile. If duplicating features is the problem with GV Mobile then Apple should remove these apps offer FREE calling: Skype, iCall, fring, TruPhone etc. After removing the App from App Store developer Sean Kovacs decided to release GV Mobile on Cydia with zero changes between the App Store version and Cydia version.
Needles to say Google Voice (formerly GrandCentral) is a free Google-owned nternet service that uses voice over internet protocol (VoIP) to link customers’ phone numbers together.Users of Google Voice are able to select a single U.S. phone number, from various area codes. When a Google Number is called, any or all of the user’s phones may be set to ring. Which phone(s) ring can be set based on the calling number, based on contact group (e.g. Family, Friends, Work, etc), and/or based on time of day (e.g. disabling a home phone during business hours and routing calls to mobile or business number).