A recent report from comScore shows that in the past one year, consumers are opting for cheaper entertainment alternatives, with the economic downturn. The online gaming industry among the US Internet users clearly show a significant increase in the size of its audience, with 87 million US visitors in May 2009 - up 22 % as compared to what it was a year ago.
Top 5 Online Gaming Sites
Among the top online gaming sites:
Yahoo Games ranked at number one with 19.4 million visitors (6% increase)
EA Online ranked at number two with 18 million visitors (34% increase)
Nickelodeon Casual Games ranked at number 3 with 14.8 million visitors
WildTangent Network ranked at number 4 with 13.8 million (16% increase)
Disney Games ranked fifth with 11.7 million.
Top 20 Online Gaming Sites
(May 2009 vs. May 2008)
Said Edward Hunter, comScore director of gaming solutions:
“Online gaming continues to be one of the top gaining categories over the past year growing at ten times the rate of the total U.S. Internet population and reaching nearly one out of every two Internet users. And the growth in the category is occurring not only at the top gaming destination sites, but also through viral distribution platforms, including widgets and applications. In fact, some online gaming companies that distributed their games across sites are reaching as many people as the top online gaming sites.”
With the growing popularity of these gaming sites, there is an opportunity for advertisers and marketers to make the most of it and reach out to the desired audience.
(Source: comScore Press Release)