10 Greatest Tech Designs HAckZ
Author: nspanspa // Category: Google, Internet, PC Tips And Hacks, Solution For Computer Problem, Technology- Motorola StarTAC Cell Phone:- The world’s first flip phone is also the first gadget based on technology originally imagined in “Star Trek”: the handhold communicator.
- Apple MacBook Air Laptop :-You can have your iPods, iPhones, Nanos, iMacs, Cinema Displays, and Cubes–heck, we’ll even throw in the Next desktop. None of them touch the MacBook Air laptop for pure sleekitude.
- Alienware ALX Liquid-Cooled Gaming PCs :-Any desktop PC you’re almost afraid to touch has to be cool. And Alien ware’s powerful and good-looking gaming desktops are literally that.
- Raymond Loewy Pencil Sharpener:- A pencil sharpener? Really? Yes, really. But not just any pencil sharpener; this one was created by the father of modern industrial design, Raymond Loewy, who also designed cars, refrigerators, locomotives, postage stamps, and the interior of the Saturn 5 rocket.
- Hillcrest Labs’ Loop Pointer Remote :-Though it may look like a spacecraft out of “2001: A Space Odyssey,” Hill crest Labs calls the Loop an “in-air mouse” for yourTV. An internal gyro tracks your hand movements, letting you point and click your way around the dial.
- Bang & Olufsen BeoCenter 2 CD/DVD Player
- Newton Peripherals’ MoGo Mouse BT for PCs:-Consider the typical PC mouse: So timid, so boring, so bulbous. But this credit-card-size rodent, the MoGo Mouse BT, is anything but.
- Sony Aibo Robot Dog :- Sony’s robodog has moved on to virtual-pet heaven, but it’s still one of the sleekest nonhuman companions ever constructed. From its built-in camera to its ability to recognize 100 voice commands and its groundbreaking artificial-intelligence core, the Aibo was one sleek hound.
- 3Com Ergo Audrey Internet Appliance
- LaCie 5big Network Storage System :-Like Apple and Bang & Olufsen, LaCie is one of those companies that consistently turn out products that are as cool to look at as they are to use.
(Image source: google)