10 Greatest Tech Designs HAckZ

Author: nspanspa // Category: , , , ,

  1. Motorola StarTAC Cell Phone:- The world’s first flip phone is also the first gadget based on technology originally imagined in “Star Trek”: the handhold communicator.
  2. Apple MacBook Air Laptop :-You can have your iPods, iPhones, Nanos, iMacs, Cinema Displays, and Cubes–heck, we’ll even throw in the Next desktop. None of them touch the MacBook Air laptop for pure sleekitude.
  3. Alienware ALX Liquid-Cooled Gaming PCs :-Any desktop PC you’re almost afraid to touch has to be cool. And Alien ware’s powerful and good-looking gaming desktops are literally that.
  4. Raymond Loewy Pencil Sharpener:- A pencil sharpener? Really? Yes, really. But not just any pencil sharpener; this one was created by the father of modern industrial design, Raymond Loewy, who also designed cars, refrigerators, locomotives, postage stamps, and the interior of the Saturn 5 rocket.
  5. Hillcrest Labs’ Loop Pointer Remote :-Though it may look like a spacecraft out of “2001: A Space Odyssey,” Hill crest Labs calls the Loop an “in-air mouse” for yourTV. An internal gyro tracks your hand movements, letting you point and click your way around the dial.
  6. Bang & Olufsen BeoCenter 2 CD/DVD Player
  7. Newton Peripherals’ MoGo Mouse BT for PCs:-Consider the typical PC mouse: So timid, so boring, so bulbous. But this credit-card-size rodent, the MoGo Mouse BT, is anything but.
  8. Sony Aibo Robot Dog :- Sony’s robodog has moved on to virtual-pet heaven, but it’s still one of the sleekest nonhuman companions ever constructed. From its built-in camera to its ability to recognize 100 voice commands and its groundbreaking artificial-intelligence core, the Aibo was one sleek hound.
  9. 3Com Ergo Audrey Internet Appliance
  10. LaCie 5big Network Storage System :-Like Apple and Bang & Olufsen, LaCie is one of those companies that consistently turn out products that are as cool to look at as they are to use.
(Image source: google)